Hydro Microdermabrasion Facial

45 mins • $189.00 (1 Treatment - Face Only)

How is Hydro Microdermabrasion different from traditional Microdermabrasion?

Hydro microdermabrasion is an advanced facial technology that effectively removes dead skin cells, promotes new cell growth, and provides exceptional anti-aging and anti-acne benefits. The treatment consists of three components. The diamond tip wand exfoliates the skin, while the water jets cleanse the pores and hydrate the skin, resulting in a beautiful glow. Additionally, the water jets deliver a serum that is infused into the skin.

 What can Hydro Microdermabrasion do for me?

When compared to traditional microdermabrasion, hydro microdermabrasion offers all the benefits of regular microdermabrasion and more. It utilizes a diamond-tipped wand for gentle exfoliation and suction to remove dead skin cells, stimulating circulation and collagen production. The hydro microdermabrasion machine also delivers water to the skin through a supersonic nozzle.

What is the Treatment Like?

During the treatment, your hydro microdermabrasion facial will be similar to a regular facial. The process involves cleansing the skin, applying a foam exfoliant, and optionally using steam to open the pores. The hydro microdermabrasion step lasts for approximately 15 minutes, followed by necessary extractions. Then, the facial will resume with a massage, mask, serums, moisturizer, and SPF. The number of treatments required to achieve desired results may vary.

 If you desire radiant, refreshed, and even-toned skin, book an appointment for a hydro microdermabrasion treatment today! This treatment can improve your skin texture, tone, hydration, fine lines, wrinkles, pore size, and circulation. Experience its rejuvenating benefits today!