Cleansing Back Facial

40 mins • $150.00

Pamper yourself with this often overlooked area with a pampering back facial. Back facials are ideal for those tough-to-reach spots, targeting a variety of skincare needs such as clogged pores, back acne, and dehydrated skin. This treatment mimics many of the traditional techniques used while performing treatments for the face. It incorporates deep cleansing, extractions, and a purifying mask.  Back facials are particularly fitting treatments during bathing suit season or for people who wear low-back attire during the holidays. Back facials make a great gift for yourself or a friend! Ask about our gift certificates.

Regular back facials can solve significant skin problems like dullness, dryness, sagging and wrinkles. Just like a facial keeps your face healthy and fresh, back facials can do the same thing for your back.